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Paradigm shift in dealing with germs

Want to learn more about ImmunSymbiosis?

Seminars are regularly organized by SophiaMatrix and held by Ariane Zappe. The seminars are aimed at patients, therapists and all other interested parties. No special prerequisites are necessary for participation.

ImmunSymbiosis Seminars

ImmunSymbiosis – Development for humans and microbes

Already in 2016, while authoring the book on Lyme disease, I realized that we achieve nothing with a “reduction of germs”, but only further fuel the war raging in our patients.


That is why the second book was so important to me and the idea and the name “ImmunSymbiosis” was born in me.


Today it is clearer to me than ever that ImmunSymbiosis, the symbiotic interaction of microbes and humans, is the central basis for health, creativity and development.


“Today” means after several years of intensive experience as the director of the SophiaHealth Institute in Kaufbeuren, where severely chronically ill patients from Germany and abroad are treated, each of whom is part of a unique learning and research process.


“Today” means after studying countless, scientific medical studies that support my hypotheses and consolidate and establish my new foundation of medicine, the ImmunSymbiosis.

Understanding germs

What does ImmunSymbiosis mean?

The immune system consists of two parts – the human and the microbial.


To integrate the millions of inputs every day that we breathe, eat, touch, think, hear, see, the immune system is regulated by germs just as it is by humans.

Microbes give impulses that increase and lower inflammation. They regulate in symbiosis with us on the protein level as well as on the gene level.


The goal is not only to keep the organism healthy, but above all its further development – evolution – for humans AND germs. 


Chronic disease is thus based on the absence of germs. If regulative inputs of germs are missing, we find either too little inflammation, as in cancer or immune deficiency, or too much inflammation, as in all chronic inflammatory processes.


This is in stark contrast to the view of medicine, which decided at the end of the 19th century, according to the ideas of Pasteur, that germs are the cause of disease and only their destruction leads to health.


The way out of chronic disease must be a treatment that strengthens and regenerates both the human and the microbial part of the immune system.


Immune modulation – modulation of the immune system and restoration of ImmunSymbiosis – becomes an essential part of the treatment concept.

The missing half of the equation

Why do antibiotic, antimicrobial, immunosuppressive or anti-inflammatory therapies not lead back to a self-regulation of the immune system?


Because so far we have only considered the human part of the immune system in immunology.


The other half – the germs – we have not only disregarded, but even fought against.

The immune system operates in a constant symbiosis of human and microbial efforts – humans and microbes together organize the world in which they can not only survive but also thrive.

From the vision to the treatment concept

To ensure that findings and research can be quickly implemented and verified, the cooperation with the company SophiaViva was established in 2017. With its laboratory and sales department, SophiaViva is able to implement new inputs from the SophiaHealth Institute overnight, if necessary, in the form of new remedies that can ideally be tested with the patient the very next day and checked for their effectiveness.


This is how a cooperation came into being that enabled the development of an own complementary treatment concept within a short period of time,  


  • for the complex treatment of chronically ill patients
  • the effectiveness and justification of which is checked daily in practice
  • that is continuously developed on the basis of new research and experience
  • validated on the basis of scientific studies
  • can be integrated into any therapeutic practice
  • also independent of the means SophiaViva has designed for use in the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren

All findings and research results and the strategies based on them for the complex, complementary treatment of chronically ill patients are passed on in the ImmunSymbiosis seminars and can be immediately integrated into one’s own practice. 

ImmunSymbiosis checks EVERY treatment input for its mode of action on humans AND microbes.


If we look only at the human immune system, we miss an essential component of effective regulation.

In the ImmunSymbiosis of human and microbe, the therapy restores for me the meaning and joy of complementary medicine.

In harmony of the orchestra

The concept of ImmunSymbiosis in diagnosis and treatment should resemble a symphony. In four movements we try to restore the symbiosis of humans and germs in the immune system.

With the complex chord we put the different instrument groups together to form a complete orchestra. All instrument groups vibrate together and form a unity.

With each piece of music we hear different facets of this unity, depending on our mood, our condition, our own vibration.

In the concept of ImmuneSymbiosis we choose 1, 2 or 3 complex chords, like the movements of a piece of music, and thus create a symphony.

1st movement – Immunemodulation
Excessive or absent immune responses produce our symptoms.
Chronic diseases are almost without exception diseases of the immune system.


2nd movement – Symbiosis
The basic cause of these misdirected immune reactions lies in the disturbed regulation of the immune system. Germs are symbiotically involved in this regulation and probably contribute 99% genetic control. This part of the immune system is damaged and defective.


3rd movement – Interfering fields and inflammatory foci
Need special support to restore symbiosis.


4th movement – Regeneration
of the affected systems in the organism.

Many studies later … 


ImmunSymbiosis Doctrine


For patients, therapists and all other interested people I try to publish new findings on ImmunSymbiosis continuously.


In the self-publishing SophiaMed appeared so far the books

  • “My Microbes are Me” – the introduction to ImmunSymbiosis, written in an understandable way and supported by more than 250 studies.
  • “ImmunSymbiosis” – a basic book for an in-depth study of the topic
SophiaMed Books
Seminars and lectures

I very much enjoy passing on knowledge and experience. The seminar content can be immediately integrated into everyday life and into any therapeutic work and practice.


SophiaMatrix continuously organizes new ImmunSymbiosis and MatrixTechnique seminars. Numerous ImmunSymbiosis seminars have been recorded and can be booked and attended online at any time.

SophiaMatrix Seminar Calendar
Practice SophiaHealth Institute

Implementing ImmunSymbiosis in the treatment of our patients at the SophiaHealth Institute allows me not only to continuously review the strategies I have developed, but also to learn, research and develop ImmunSymbiosis with each new patient.

SophiaHealth Practice

The spark ignites

The ImmunSymbiosis Annual Conference

September 2022 in Kaufbeuren

now available as recording


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