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My Story – My Vision

Symbiosis in my life

I was born in 1968 in northern Germany, a few years later my family moved to the south and I spent all my school years trying to learn Schwäbisch, the regional Bavarian accent. But still, whenever we have patients from the North I enjoy listening to their accent. Somehow, I love and feel at home both in the north and in the south and always miss the other one. I see this as the earliest of many examples of a form of symbiosis.


After school and 2 semesters of studying physics at the university of Ulm, I passed Lufthansa’s entry tests for flight school and didn’t hesitate one second to start the training. My Dad was a jet pilot with the German army, the best pilot ever, so airports and the smell of jet fuel meant a lot to me. I became the first female and youngest Airbus pilot with Lufthansa and started my flying duties in August 1990 at the age of 20 on the Airbus 320 which had just come into service.

But I felt torn – I had the coolest job in the world, being one of the first female pilots in Germany and invited on Radio and TV shows. The analytical part of my brain was happy – yet there was that other part of me, that couldn’t stay away from “esoteric” books, fasting and meditating.


For the longest time I thought, I have to decide which side I am on and let go of the other. Again, the deepest search for symbiosis and still I was hiding those books from other pilots (although with some of them I had the greatest conversations about healthy food and positive thinking …).


Years later I stumbled upon quantum physics, which finally united both sides of my heart. Here was the latest scientific research of the western world trying to understand physical laws of particles smaller than atoms and in an attempt to explain their results they had to admit, that the eastern traditional “esoteric” view of the world is also correct – symbiosis – peace …

I stopped flying at the age of 28 (after flying internationally on the Airbus A340 for 2 years).


A good and healthy change of direction, considering that pilots are among the top 5 professionals who die early. Different time zones, high levels of radiation and the mixing of our microbiome with foreign microbes around the world are the main reasons in my view today. The symbiosis between our microbes and ourselves has developed over millions of years in the interests of both. In the past, the composition of our microbiome was determined by the microbiome of the plants and animals we had around us – it was local. When humans started to move, they walked maybe 50 km a day, ate plants from the nearest region and slowly made their microbiome available to new guests that could be easily integrated. The contract between our microbes and us had no provisions for the possibility of boarding an A340 in Frankfurt and leaving the plane 10 hours later in Bangkok – a shock to the microbiome….



The next few years were spent enjoying family life, along with developing a computer based training program for pilots, which is still used to train pilots today on Boing 757 and 767.

At the age of 34, a year after my second son was born, I was on a trip to a theme park with another family when my first son was stung by a bee and nearly fainted, with mild signs of an anaphylactic reaction. A friend got out some white little things called Apis Mellifica C30 and gave it to my son, who recovered very quickly.


Inspired by what I had seen, I bought my first homeopathy book by Prof. Georgos Vithoulkas the very next day. I digested it within 24 hours and later began a 3-year training course with him on the Greek island of Alonissos and his institute near Munich.

This was followed in 2008 by my examination and license as a non-medical practitioner. I opened my first practice in Kaufbeuren in February 2009.

2013 marked the start of the development of MatrixTechnique, a manual treatment to restore the lymphatic and fascial system, which many therapists have learned in my seminars since April 2014.

In 2016, with the publication of the first book “Die biologische Behandlung der Lyme-Borreliose”, the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren opened its doors in the city center.

Now the love for microbes really begins. The book “ImmunSymbiose” is published in 2017.

This will be followed in 2020 by “My microbes are me” and finally in 2023 by the book “Medicine Reloaded”, a new model for medicine, the immune system, microbes, genes and evolution.

Since 2021, the SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren has been located at Schlingener Straße 1. Every day, through the story of my patients, I am allowed to discover new connections in the symbiosis between microbes and humans.


With the founding of SophiaViva in 2017, I finally had a partner who was willing to bring the results of my daily research and experiences with chronically ill patients to life. This meant that new medicines could be made ‘overnight’ so that I could review what we had in the clinic the next day. There is so much dynamic flow, joy and fulfillment in working together.

The SophiaHealth Institute Kaufbeuren opened its doors on October 4, 2016.

Symbiosis brings progress


Symbiosis in healthcare

The great advances and successes of conventional medicine in recent decades have been both amazing and fantastic. I, like everyone else, am very happy and grateful for all efforts that improve medical care.


The strength of conventional medicine lies in emergency care and surgery, and I certainly appreciate antibiotics and their use in critical situations.

However, when it comes to chronic disease management, relief and resolution, it is obvious that complementary medicine has much to offer.


Bringing our knowledge and experience together for the optimal outcome for our patients is a vision I will not abandon. If you are a patient working with physicians who share this vision, I am more than happy to collaborate and develop protocols that combine the best of both worlds.

At the end of all the research and daily learning, there is only ONE ultimate conclusion for me: Mother Nature creates miracles every day.


We can develop models, but we must acknowledge that they are basic and limited compared to the millions of processes that occur in and around every cell in our body – human or microbial.

Above all, I cannot fail to acknowledge the wisdom of nature and pay my respects to it.

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