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The publishing house SophiaMed has been the publisher of Ariane Zappe’s books since 2017.

SophiaMed Website

2023 – Focus on innovation

A first floor is placed on the fundamet

Medicine Reloaded

In 2021, 60 percent of adults in the U.S. were diagnosed with a chronic or autolmmune disease. This does not include patients with diffuse symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disorders, cognitive problems or unclear pain and inflammation. At the same time, patients are getting younger and younger. The common denominator is a dysregulation of the immune system.

This is where meln new model for the immune system, genetics, evolution and consciousness comes in, which can explain the causes of chronic diseases and offer solutions.

On the basis of the ImmunSymblose, a medicine is emerging In a new light – Medicine Reloaded. Dabel, the previously neglected learning ability of our stem cells plays a decisive role. They select information according to new or known, not according to friend or foe, map the outside world in us like a hologram and determine our immune reactions.

With Medicine Reloaded, I would like to invite you to take a new look at the symbiotic interaction between humans and microbes: According to this, an infection would not be a fight of the organism against a microbe, but exactly the opposite – the integration of the microbe into the immune system for the regulation and further development of our organism. Only the missing or faulty integration of a microbe becomes the trigger of chronic symptoms or cancer.

As always, my thoughts are backed up with scientific studies and yet, I hope, are presented in a way that is understandable not only to medically educated readers, but to anyone who is interested.

Therapy suggestions include the background and application of complex and frequency chords as I use them in my practice.

to the book order German
ISBN: 978-3-9819157-3-0
Publisher: SophiaMed
389 Pages, Hard Cover
Price: €45 .-

2020 – ImmunSymbiosis for Everyone

The foundation is solidified

to book order English

ISBN: 978-3-9819157-2-3

Publisher: SophiaMed
Publication date: 18.2.2020
239 Pages, Hard Cover
Price: € 25.-

The latest book 
My Microbes Are Me

“My Microbes are Me” is an ideal introduction to the world of ImmunSymbiosis. Intended for interested people, patients, medical laymen, as well as for therapists, it gives an overview of the most important aspects of a new foundation for our medicine. Despite over 250 studies, it remains generally understandable.

We urgently need a paradigm shift regarding germs. The immune system consists of two parts that work symbiotically together, not only to maintain the organism, but above all in the quest for further development.

With the decision 150 years ago to follow Pasteur’s view and define germs as the cause of disease, the war on germs began.

Chronic diseases, which are increasing exponentially today, are based on the absence of germs, on the absence of microbial impulses for the common immune system and thus to excessive, misdirected or absent inflammatory reactions.

Scientific studies suggest that streptococci can protect us from cancer and staphylococci from multiple sclerosis. Lactic acid bacteria apparently stimulate the development of human stem cells.


Yet in our society germs are demonized as malignant and disease-causing. How does this actually fit together? Chronic diseases are increasing like an epidemic. The uncritical fight against germs has caused us a lot of problems.

Don’t we urgently need a radical rethinking of the way we deal with all germs?

No germ is evil per se. Germs, above all bacteria, viruses and retroviruses, are part of a million-year-old symbiosis in evolution. Only WITH germs we have become what we are today. Germs and humans work together symbiotically everywhere in the organism, even in the brain. It is not only about the common survival, but above all about further development. This is what I call ImmunSymbiosis.

So how can we protect and care for our germs? Prevention and treatment of chronic, neurological or neurodegenerative diseases will only succeed if humans AND germs become healthy.

Based on scientific studies, my experience from therapeutic practice, research and investigation, connections between diseases and germs appear to me in a completely new light. I would like to invite you as an interested person, affected person or therapist on a journey through the world of germs that could fundamentally change your perspective.”

to book order German

ISBN: 978-3-9819157-1-6

Publisher: SophiaMed
Publication date: 18.2.2020
255 Pages, Hard Cover
Price: € 25.-

2017 – The beginning of the ImmunSymbiosis

The foundation for a new way of understanding the immune system

to book order German

ISBN: 978-3-989157-0-9

Publisher: SophiaMed

Publication date: 26.10.2017

384 Pages, Hard Cover

Price: € 79.-

The beginning 2017

Already in our first joint book “The Biological Treatment of Lyme Disease” we describe the modulation of the immune system as a crucial step in the treatment of chronic diseases.

With this book, we extend the concept of the immune system to a complex, highly developed and highly organized interaction between microorganisms and the body’s own cells: the ImmunSymbiosis.

Both the human and microbial parts work hand in hand to not only cope with traumas, conflicts and demanding environmental stresses together, but to use them for further development.

What destroyed this symbiosis over the last 150 years? What aspects of ImmunSymbiosis are we already finding in scientific studies?

We describe ways how we can regenerate our microbiome, how we can improve the dialogue between microbiome and immune system again, how even non-integrated germs can quickly learn to become productive parts of our microbiome that work symbiotically – how we can restore and live ImmunSymbiosis.

2016 – The first book

The Biological Treatment of Lyme disease

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, born in 1950, has been researching the toxic influences from the environment on our health for his entire medical life in search of answers to the questions “Why do we get sick?” and “What makes us sick?”: heavy metals, aluminum, herbicides and radiation from mobile communications. He has long recognized that infections with Borrelia and all the associated pathogens in the system form baleful synergies with these toxic factors – because germs thrive in poisoned environments – with devastating consequences for the immune system.


His answer to this is a carefully developed, well-founded biological treatment method in 4 phases, with which he has already led many seriously ill people back to health.


Together with the therapist Ariane Zappe, he presents in this book the diverse symptomatology and its special diagnostics and therapy. In the process, a work with bold and innovative thoughts has emerged, which for doctors, therapists and medically interested readers interdisciplinary completely new, plausible connections – supported by hundreds of studies.

to book order German
ISBN: 978-3-9808972-2-8
Publisher: INK – Institute for Neurobiology according to Dr. Klinghardt GmbH
4th revised edition
392 Pages, Hard Cover
Price: € 69.-
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